Jax and co.

By indusriver

being the daddy!

Sienna disappeared for a bit tonight and returned dressed as her 'Daddy' - jeans, shirt and shoes. Not forgetting the deep voice and the phrases that spring from his mouth - she has been listening! All prompted by it being Father's Day tomorrow and her love of any celebration. No doubt her 'present' to him with be a 6am start to deliver the card she has made - that is the way she rolls!

Busy Saturday as usual - with Sienna at her classes followed by helping out on a stand at the village fete, which she loved. All that control of the money was something that definitely appealed to her! Another kid off climbing, another at all day choir practice, another helping out on the Great North Swimming event and another swimming it! One game of rugby watched (All Blacks with a win over England - since you asked!) and now it seems another game on...and so Saturday passed.

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