
By WharfedaleBex



I seem to have shaken off the lethargy of the last few days so hopefully, any cold hanging around was totally ousted today with a walk from Kilnsey Crag, up Mastiles Lane and down into Littondale.

As we walked up Mastiles Lane, there were many sheep around and CJ was pretty good at ignoring them. That is until one ewe stood in our way. We paused for her to move along. Instead, she headed towards us and promptly headbutted Little Dog on the forehead! CJ was on the lead of course but she did take umbrage at this and swiped a mouthful of wool. The ewe didn't seem too bothered but did saunter off at least.

After yesterday's moody cow, we were quite surprised to have more feisty animals to contend with. Luckily, the fields and fields of young bulls, cows and the odd whopping great bull went by without incident.

It was generally quite overcast but as we walked down the Littondale valley, the clouds started to break up a little and sunlit patches drifted across the hillside.

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