
By NoveltyBobble

England 1

Was walking along the cottages this morning and realised just how bloody quintessentially English it looked. I'm always harping on about Germany, that I'm a big fan of Europe and suck through my teeth at the idea of Scottish Independence; but never really wave the English flag. I'm quite proud of my English roots, but never really show it - about time I did.

Seeing as its gone silly season where people have their St Georges on show to support a bunch of mouth breathers who kick a ball into a net, I'll do my version of that, by taking pictures this week of only English things. Or at least, things I consider to be quintessentially English.

So English cottages from the 19th Century, adorned with Sky dishes and telephone lines.

In other news, saw "A Million Ways to Die in the Wild West" this weekend. A lot lot funnier than I had expected.

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