
By travcrab93

Let's make places for people

Why can't your town look like this? We tend to think these kind of places are vacation destinations. If we build all cities, towns, villages this way where people are happy, healthy, socializing, and enjoying their lives we wouldn't have to vacation to visit these dream places. It's like a fantasy to most of us (take Walt Disney land for example). It's streets are walkable, the streetscapes are comfortable, filled with activity, but it's a fantasy because your paying an arm and leg for less than a week experience. We picture ourselves not living in a places like these because they are just "vacation destinations" and then we go back to our spread out disfunctional suburban lifestyles that is engraved in our head as what "home" is. Maastricht, Netherlands is a perfect example of a place that isn't a tourist destination, where the local people are socializing with other members of their community on a regular basis, healthy from all the everyday walking/biking to get places they need to go, and overall enjoying their lives looking forward to the next day. Opposite of this suburban lifestyle developers have chosen for us in the United States. We get to have that nice experience of isolation in the car, our McMansion homes, and in our parks/public spaces that do not have people. We are workaholics that live our life in the car. Everything we do, anywhere we go, anywhere we need to be revolves around that (historically new) invention. We supersize everything and treat space wastefully. The places like this town that were built before the car focused on the people living in it. All the perks get to come with making places like this such as your community being financially sustainable, socially active, healthy people, and causing less harm on the environment. WHAT IS BAD ABOUT ANY OF THOSE? Everyone wants to be social, everyone wants their town to have money, and everyone wants to be healthy. I am depressed thinking about having to go back home to the anxiety and isolation of my car and suburban house. I want to be happier like these people living here. People tend to think you have to move to these kinds of places to live like this but this is not true. Your town and community can be like this if you get involved. Ask yourself how much time you spend in the car and how much time you spend interacting with people? How much do you walk everyday or bike? How is your town really doing financially? How much are you working instead of enjoying life? Fight for your town to be a place for people instead of a place for cars. Any chance you get vote against things promoting more wasteful vehicle infrastructure. Vehicles are what makes terrible places. LETS START MAKING PEOPLE PLACES AMERICA!!! (This is how the local people of Maastricht are living) (everyone in these pictures are locals)

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