2014 more running needed

By Brianporterrun

You're a triathlete

The Southport triathlon this morning was a posh affair.

It was a qualifying event for the European Championships later in the year.

So best behaviour among the athletes was required.

The pre race briefing had to be very detailed to prevent people falling foul of the rules.

But there was also room for fun, lots of it.

One of the many things I like about commentating at triathlons is the genuine enjoyment on the faces of people as they finish. I see it more in triathlon than anything else I commentate on.

It's inspiring.

There were a number of "Go Daddy" banners for Father's Day.

This sign really caught my eye and gave me some great material after Matthew had finished his race, much to th amusement of everyone around.

Well done Matthew and everyone who took part.

They all look like triathletes.
They all smell like triathletes.

They are all triathletes.

Have a great week.

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