
By Eilatanfoto

Till we meet again...

A pro pot march, people dressed in unique cloths, a ‘blue suede’ of Elvis’s, a park with tap dancing, soccer tricks, bubbles, Goths, drummers, kids fishing, hipsters, dogs being walked on skateboards, harpists, and friends. Tofu, wagu, sushi and fugu, cans of hot coffee and bottles of sweat, chopsticks and futons and robot cafes – yes robot cafes. It’s a typical day in Tokyo – a city that has welcomed us and which we are now sad to leave….

And in the corner of that screen you can see two friends travelling as only friends can. They are on the last day of an adventure in a world so very different to where they come from.

..and I know I would not have done this trip with anyone else - it was extraordinary because I travelled with my friend - thank you!!

I will not miss the 2km walks to the platform or lugging a pack up six flights of stairs…but I will remember it fondly amidts a sea of emotions that will come flooding back at the strangest times... How can I not miss a country that welcomed us, that dazzled and surprised us, that held us close and whispered its secrets – that gave us comfort as needed and adventure as well.

Thank you Japan – you are an extraordinary place and people that we will think of with great joy...

Remember that time when we......

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