Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

In full flow

Early start this morning, as I needed to get to the start to set my kit up ready for the Keswick short triathlon.
400m open water swim starting in the water, followed by a 23K bike ride and then a 5K run. The scenery was great the couple of times I had chance to have a look. Finished in 1:30:20 according to my watch. Happy with that.
We then headed back to the B&B so I could get a shower and pack the car. Next stop was Grasmere to get some gingerbread. Managed to meet up with the others to say goodbye.
Back to Keswick to collect my bike, as they weren’t letting anyone take them out of transition till after the race. It’s the rules apparently.
We then caught up with B&H and their new baby for some lunch and a big bit of cake for me. Nice to see then and have a chat.
Headed home, J drove so I could get a sleep. Went down to see RD for a couple of beers and to hear all about his time on the Caledonian Challenge yesterday. He managed 54 miles in just under 22 hours. Great achievement but he did look knackered.
Back to finish some packing for the holiday.

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