Neighbourly Natterings - 'between you and me...'

Took this as I was walking away from Sa Penya after my prayer walk this many pictures (well, 5!) I wanted to blip, but there was something I liked about these 2 women chatting from one apartment to the other.
The car has been scrapped today, Danny was quite emotional about it! It's been in his family for quite a few years... Think we're going to not have a car unless a car comes to us, so to speak. It does stop our weekend exploring though, but certainly solves the very frustrating problem of finding somewhere to park in Ibiza Town. The car being scrapped just seems like such a waste of time though, we've spent literally hundreds on getting it imported, and it had just finished the process (and got it's Spanish plates) 4 days before it broke down!!
Anyway, must get on with Spanish, D's taken Asha to the swings so I can have a bit of time to myself, then we'll swop in an hour so he can go do Catalan.

Thanks for the title Dad!

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