shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Bad boy mitts

Callum has been misbehaving, making ever more determined efforts to pull out his feeding tube, including halfway through his dinner, which isn't the best idea. Mitts have been tried without success before, but another attempt was made this evening, though they don't make mitts for his size of hands, so Kerri was taping them up to try and keep them on. His breathing has got worse again, we think as the doctors decided to take him off the anti-reflux medication he was on, so we hope they will reinstate it after their rounds tomorrow. His weight continues to improve, he's now 2lb 5oz, and as active as ever, none of the dozing he was doing on Friday, though he looked a lot comfier than he was today on Friday. Yesterday as he was doing so much better they were talking about moving him out of ICU and into HDU (High Dependency Unit), but I don't think that will be happening after today's string of shallow breathing incidents. Trouble maker!

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