Seconds out ... Round 2.

Let's see if it/I work(s) any better tonight.
The major reason for being here, as opposed to anywhere else, is the fact that the area is well endowed with gardens.
Today it was Castle Kennedy's turn. One of the locations on their hand-out map was "The round pond". Can't argue the "Round" bit, just a bit suspicious about the "pond" part of it, there was a visible strip of water, about 4-5' wide and I would guess something as heavy as a hen could have walked dry-shod over the rest.
If the weather holds like the last 2 days I'll, probably be found melted into a heap in the corner of one of the gardens.
Well, YIPPEEeeeee, it behaved itself. But not only that, last night's attempt looked a whole sight better published than it did in Windows 8 Editor, so we'll have another go.

For some, inexplicable, reason:- tonight I'm getting---
"Entry location
Zoom in/out for an accuracy you're happy with, then click
on the map to set the entry at that point.
" followed by an inability to "Click". A couple more goes then I quit.
Correction 3-4 tries by me, ditto by Herself: then oddly, it worked.

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