K1 and K2

Our final morning with Chelmsford Canoe Club, and we ticked off three new events! We whizzed through the K1 200m, K1 500m and K2 500m. It always takes a while to find my sea legs at the start of the lesson, and I spent the first race feeling very wobbly in the boat. After being told to relax into the boat, things were much better; I think it was my tenseness making the boat wobble! We also got to have a go in the short and nippy slalom kayaks at the end, the best part of which was being launched into the water from the jetty!

I'd dragged Mum along again to take photos for the blog, so we came back to Colchester for lunch (I was SO hungry after not eating last night), and a wander in town. My evening was spent at my final pottery class until the end of September (!). I collected quite a haul of work, some definitely more successful than others...

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