The second half of life..

By twigs

So close

Millimetres matter, as does vision and perspective.

The boys played Marlborough today - not sure of the result though we were up 1-0 when I left at half time. Close calls, but no goals. And in other football, gutted for Spain who lost again today so are effectively out of the World Cup. Defending Champions - gone. Whilst I wasn't supporting them in particular, I did feel for them. I don't think their home-coming will be very welcoming :(

With 2 major tasks all but finished and four fifths of the penultimate one almost through, I was able to catch just a fleeting glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel today. A very welcome glimpse indeed.

And at home this evening, after an hour of yoga after work, my mind started doing what my mind does - thinking of the next we can make it better? how it could be changed up? what we could add to enhance it? Yup - the ideas were flowing very well!

But now - it's bed time. Early for me, though not all that early really.

G'night :)

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