Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Some brightness on a dull day

Still suffering from jet lag. Sleeping from 8pm until 4am, my body thinks it's already time to shut down but tonight I'm going to be strong (ish). I may not go to bed until the second half of the England defeat by Uruguay.

Tried again to get a shot of the young moorhens but they're crafty little buggers - as well as being the ugliest things on God's planet. Now I know there are people who are capable of being deeply offended at the flick of a switch so leave my page now if you're one of them, but the best way I can describe the look of these young birds is this - imagine a Robertsons Jam Gollywog with a big red bump on its head and that's them. (No it's not racist or non-PC it's a bloody golliwog for goodness sake)

Did you know that the difference between being offended and being deeply offended is about £10k.

The woggie hens, all 6 of them were out on the farm pond at lunchtime just pootling around until I appeared and then they went into warp factor nine and disappeared amongst the irises. I hid in the reeds by the edge of the pond but they didn't show. No sooner had I walked 12 feet from the pond than the little devils reappeared.

So here's today's Blip - a plant.

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