
I was on the sunny side of the train down to Newcastle this morning - the dazzling side, even. The sky clouded over by the time I got to Tyneside, though, and it was quite chilly compared with the tropical heat we have become used to in Edinburgh over the last few days.

Found that no one had turned up to a little presentation I'd been requested to do - harrumph, just as well I hadn't spent much time preparing it. Then there was an interview to do with raggedrascal's welcome assistance. Lots more of them in the pipeline - dear me, I've got out of the habit.

I must have woken early this morning and listened to a bit of Farming Today, and then fallen asleep for half an hour - it was only about twelve hours later that the horrible memory of the parasitic pest bean broomrape came back to me. It's making inroads in Britain apparently. Well, it can jolly well keep off of our broad beans!

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