Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Tree ... . Salix?

Whilst out at work today, noticed this beautiful tree in the garden of the residential home I was visiting. The light pink to the opened of the leaves is so pretty.

WI meeting tonight, but this month held in the garden of a member, "a garden party". It was a "take a plate" do. Well I had already had my tea but it didn't stop me nibbling at a few things. Gazebos up in the back garden. As always, I am never prepared, so although I took a plate of food, I forgot a plate, cutlery etc to eat from/with as well as a chair! I had taken my travel mug with tea in as I always run late after my meal and need a cup of tea, so this meant that I had something to drink the punch out of (non alcoholic). The other thing I had forgotten was a cardigan/jacket and my short sleeved shirt was not keeping me warm, bbrrrr.

Lovely evening - home with a hot drink now.


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