
By Ridgeback13


Spent most of the day travelling down to then around London. I always find the place oppressively hot and stressful, and so when I woke to a gorgeous hot sunny edinburgh (again!) I decided to pack very light and just stick to thin sundresses and sandals. However I arrived into London to cool, cloudy and murky weather-freezing and none of the right clothes in my bag so I hope it improves tomorrow.
Bought an Oyster card, finally, so all the tube rides much easier.
After a meeting went to see a recording of the Radio 4 'All in the mind' awards....will be aired next week. Very moving stories of people helped through mental health difficulties and enjoyed meeting many if them afterwards, then met up with a friend for dinner and then (literally!) bumped into a colleague I used to work with years ago at the station....lovely! She and the friend I'd had dinner with are the most avid Londoners I know....and now with my Oyster card I'm practically one of them too!

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