Mummy on a Mission

By ECameron12309

It's Friday!

A lovely surprise last night, Mr C facetimed, from an undisclosed location, so Munchkin 1 dived out of his bed and was as giddy as a giddy thing for an age. We still don't know if he will definitely be back in time for me to go on holiday. :(

A busy day off with Little Miss E, cleaning, tidying, singing at the library and bouncy learning numbers and letters marked out on the trampoline. Thankfully she also had 2 hours kip in the afternoon!

A superstar neighbour who is a gardener, cut and strimmed all my grass this afternoon. Now it looks very tidy. He even attempted to fix the lawn mower but to no avail. Payment in cider!

As I had a Dr's appointment, no piano for Munchkin 1, but he did practice lots when we got home for his school concert on Tuesday. Antibiotics this time from the doc, let's hope they clear my messy face and neck so I can start wearing a bit of make up again.

I've been collections some "dead" stuff recently, even to the point of letting food rot, but Munchkin 1 keeps throwing it out,grrrr, and the fruit attracts ants. Do I thought I'd have a go at a still life. I've added a few layers and a little texture and brought back some of the detail in the flowers. Not sure if it works, but it's a starting point.

For some reason, Blip wouldn't upload the image from my iMac, so I've had to do it from my tablet instead, so the quality and detail etc may have been lost.

Enjoy the sun this weekend!


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