Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Nurse Shark

Woke up early today and went down for breakfast. Had a morning of sorting the underwater housing out for the camera and relaxing by the pool. A quick lunch as we were due to be collected to go diving at 12.45.
We have booked 3 days diving with Indigo divers. After a very lengthy briefing on the boat on the way out we got ready. It was blowing up so the boat was rocking, not doing my seasickness any good.
Had a nice dive on one of the reefs. As one of the divers had just qualified it was only 17m but plenty to see. A small ray before we started. A couple of Barracudas and a lovely 2m long nurse shark sitting under a ledge. She had become a bit agitated by the others finding her by the time we got there so she was stirring up the bottom hence the poor viz in the shot. After she came out from under the ledge and swam off. Back to the boat for a long 50 minute surface interval as I spent the entire time looking at the horizon trying not to be sick.
Second dive was great as I left the camera behind due to a low battery. Lots to see with 2 more nurse sharks and a reef shark at the end. Few more barracuda's and lots of squirrelfish. Good days diving.
Came back for some food but could hardly keep my eyes open. Early to bed at 9pm

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