The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Meeting Marc

Today we had the launch of Newton Academy for Girls in Science. It is for Year 6 girls and they spend three years coming for Saturday events five times a year to try out science and engineering activities. Today was the big launch and we did it in style. Using vex robotics kit, the girls built mini robotic cars and learnt to pick up blocks and then to programme them so that they could wirelessly drive them through mazes. Amazing what they can do in two hours! We had lots of prizes and food and fun. Sixty happy girls and parents who had an awesome lunch and took lots of goodies home.

This is one of the girls meeting Marc. They guys at the University of Lincoln built Marc using a 3D printer and have programmed him to shake hands, facial recognition and a whole host of cool things. They are just printing his legs and expect to have him walking by the end of the summer. Wowzers.

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