Summer Solstice

We took off for that London place this morning after dropping Dylan off at JaneW’s. He appears to have a great time there, wearing himself out with long walks and playing football. Now home he’s curled up on the sofa recovering.

The service from Warwick Parkway is very good, less than one and half hours getting us to London in time for morning coffee. We met Emma and Andy on Westminster Bridge and booked tickets for the river boat ride to Kew.

It was a lovely day, weatherwise, and we settled outside a pub in Kew for a pint and lunch; entertainment being supplied by a young man playing rock and roll blues on the outside piano. Andy and Emma have discovered Young’s beer, and always try to go to Young’s pubs. Not having sampled it since years ago when I lived in London, I found it just as acceptable.

The green in the centre of Kew by the pub was heaving with people, stalls, food and fairground rides. A great day for the Summer Solstice celebration.

After lunch we walked to Emma’s in Richmond for a cup of tea and a chat.

The journey home was as painless as the journey there, all in all a very good day.

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