
By Doremigirl

A True Celebration

171 . 365

I attended a beautiful memorial service for my wonderful teacher and friend, Bud Dengler this morning.
He was a humble, accomplished, talented, quirky, and most loyal person. He had a beautiful and infectious smile that inspired to breath life into music.

I wrote a letter to him last night in anticipation of his memorial service. Today, we celebrated him by singing songs (I think I heard him sing and conduct!) and remembering all the great memories which he was so instrumental in making them.

So here are some pictures from today - my friend Ellen and myself with Mrs. D, the Orpheus Club, an old picture of Bud, and a picture frame that had displayed our singing group while Mr. D was the director.

Music & Hymns for today were:
Nimrod (organ, prelude)
Soon Ah Will Be Done
Fairest Lord Jesus
Give Praise to God
O God, Our Help in Ages Past

And a lot more during the reception.

He will be sooooooooo missed!

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