A Cycle By The Citrus Groves

A lazy breakfast of scrambled egg and smoked salmon, followed by skyping Tess's Mum & Dad and before we knew it it was almost midday.

We cycled along the canal through the citrus groves to St Miguel and spent a happy two hours in the cafe we'd visited on Wednesday, eating tapas, drinking beer and watching and listening to the local regulars who all seemed to know each other and were enjoying a Sunday lunchtime drink, tapas and gossip.

After the cycle back we just about summoned the energy to go down to the beach and spend a couple of hours reading and swimming; by the time we got back it was a shower, g & t time then grazing on bread, cheese, tomato salad and olives with a couple of glasses of wine: I could get used to this.

This blip is of one of the sluice gates on the canal, presumably used to irrigate the orange and lemon groves; in the distance you can just about make out the salt lakes that put the Salinas in St Miguel.

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