Walnut tree avenue

Time this afternoon for a pleasant walk around Mote Park in the warm sunshine with just a hint of cooling breeze. You'll be relieved to learn that we were just too late to see the Mote Park Model Railway as this closed at 5.00pm so you are spared yet another railway shot on this occasion.

The morning was spent with the Kent Referee's Society planning session at a local hotel followed by a very pleasant buffet lunch, enjoyed by all. A good meeting, full of interesting discussion about the likely impact of the 2014 Rugby World Cup on the game at grass roots level, the impact this might have on the demand for referees and how the Society plans to respond to these demands.

Home then to catch up on yesterday's blip, do a little research for tomorrow's departure to Amsterdam and pack ready for an early start. The flight is not until 11.15 but we have to get to Gatwick from Maidstone during the Monday morning rushour. Not sure how many shots I'll be able to post as although the hotel has internet access I'll have no way of uploading images from the DSLR camera but I could post from the iPhone.

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