
By startagain

Rookie rugby

After Solstice yesterday and talking to lots of people I thought I should head to the rookie rugby session in case any of the new recruits showed up. I've been keeping away since 'The Incident', as we're calling it now, as I didn't want the parents to associate the injury with their kids learning the same sport. It was good to see my friends who coach and some new kids and their parents.
After bobbing into work we arrived back and I steeled myself to bite the bullet and call the folks to inform them of our news that we're staying Stateside for another 12 months. I was most worried about elder sister but she was great, as were all the family.
Nic listened to the US-Portugal game as I caught up on my latest audiobook from the library (Raising Steam by Terry Prachett). Early bed as orthopedist and physio both in the morning.
The view is of the park where we put the rookie rugby sessions on, I barely remembered to snap before we left as I was pretty knackered coming back up the hill - it's amazing the image isn't blurry!

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