Another Day

By BlackTulip

Grass Pollen

JJ went to pick up grandson No. 2 early this morning so his mum could go on a first aid course. So he will be entertaining us for most of the day. Naturally JJ will have to either occupy or take him home so I can watch Andy Murray.

Depressed. Our garden is definitely at the bottom of the heap. The gardens we visited yesterday went from ooh! to Ahh! to just jaw droppingly gorgeous. The landscape gardeners have been in action over the years and some of the planting was stunning. Food for thought.

Please accept humble apologies for not commenting yesterday but apart from the gardens we had friends with us for the day. I will try and catch up.

This is a simple blade of grass that has flowered and is dropping pollen. Now I understand how hay fever comes about, because the pollen is so fine it is carried in the wind.

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