
Not too bad a morning when Ollie and I headed up to the cliffs. Lots of tiny yellow tomentil/potentilla flowering, like little stars amongst the grass. The purple and yellow vetches are flowering too and everywhere thistles are springing up! The fields that are waiting to be cut for silage have lots of lady's smock/cuckoo flower and yellow rattle growing in them. The cut fields are full of peewits, curlews and oyster catchers, noisily protecting their babies, flying up and trying to distract you away from their youngsters.

At lunchtime J came round to deposit Scratch with us. She's busy rehearsing then singing in the St Magnus Festival so we're doing a spot of dog sitting! All three of us love having her to stay, lots of fun too as she and Ollie get on so well. A very damp and drizzly walk later on, with two wet dogs to deal with when I got home!

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