Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Mr Mischief

I love this cheeky wee face, back to normal after yesterday’s sick face. Archie really cheers me up. When he was first here I used to breath a sigh of relief when he went to sleep and quietly dreaded his waking up and charging around biting and chewing everything. But a couple of weeks ago I realised that I was looking forward to him waking up - I couldn’t wait. I love seeing him in the mornings. He’s such daft fun with his toys and his endearing wee ways.

He’s fitted in so well and we’re all in a routine now, with going to bed not an issue any more - he used to be charging around at 10:30 and I was half dead, having been up - and staying up - with him at 5:30am. He plays on his own in the kitchen and outside and is reliably using the dog door now for his toileting. I often have to make myself leave him during the day so that he learns to be on his own happily, which he does.

He’s been great company too, as I haven’t been out and about as normal, with my tiredness and general malaise taking hold. He and I have been watching (er... dozing in front of) tennis and football in the afternoons.

I’m SO glad we hadn’t arranged to go on holiday this summer, with a view to getting a dog - it would all have to be cancelled now. I have an appointment for the hospital tests, which is a relief. I just need to worry about them now, but at least they’ll get to the bottom of it. Literally.

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