Day to Day life of Uni =)

By bazforrister

Graphics Project, Voir - the bespoke opticians

I'm currently at the stage of creating a Mood Box.

Here is an explanation of how i will display it, and also a brief summary of the company and style of shop.

It will be a white box, three sides, and floor. The string is a substitute of wire, imitating a typical clothes rail. Unfortunately i can't seem to find any wire thick enough in plymouth! The tape represents 'tailor made'. Which is one of the two unique points about 'Voir' the bespoke opticians :)

The second is tying in with the tailored suit idea, typically suit jackets hung up etc. The glasses are completely customisable and hand created. Hanging from hand made miniature 'glasses hangers' will be different frames in a variety of colours, different arms, lenses, and any other accessories such as boxes to house them.

So the customer picks individual bits to create the complete Glasses kit, which is then taken to the 'Tailor'/Optician, who will then 'Measure' the individuals sizes.

For example, taking measurements of their 'inside arm' playing off the idea of measuring the 'inside leg' for suits.

They will then create the finished product; A hand crafted pair of glasses completely unique to the customer.


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