
By JimBob79

Irons of fun....

Left the office at 17.50 today and have just sat down and it's now 21.00. Why I tell you this? Well mostly because I should write something in my Blip 'description' but also because I've had a busy few hours in preparation for tomorrow & Wednesday. A real busy 2 days ahead full of pressure, stress, emotion, focus and no doubt tears... playing 36 holes of golf tmw then getting the stupidly early train to Wimbledon on Wednesday to sit in the sun all day. I traipsed round Sainsburys to buy sausage rolls & frubes then arrived at home to befriend the iron. You may think tomorrow is a holiday but oh no no - 3 polo shirts needed ironing, 2 pairs of shorts, socks and a sleeveless sweater. That is no holiday... Then I had to iron all of Wednesdays gear too - shorts, polo shirt, jumper - that is no holiday. So whatever your day holds tomorrow just spare a thought for me on the golf course....

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