Ripening barley

Perth had a lot of work for me this week so we decided it would be easier for me to go there to discuss the cases, rather than doing by email (and it was).
It was a warm, bright day, though the sun didn't come through much, and I stopped at my favourite place on the way back to get a photo of the view downstream and the yellowing barley. It's really changed colour in the last week.
Last year about this time I took a photo there of the ox-eye daisies but they weren't as good this.
This evening it was out for a hill run, 10k up and down and up and down and up and down,(oh yes, and a final small up) and just as we set out the heavens opened! Fortunately it didn't stay like that and we almost dried off. Enjoyed most of it though the legs took umbrage at the last steep hill.

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