
By Eilatanfoto

Bear with a sore head

I'm sitting in a waiting room. The kid sitting next to me smiles and we enter into a detailed discussion about tonka trucks, transformers, the latest leggo and anything else that can distract us from the inevitable.

They call his name... He looks at me wide eyes begging for help!

"Be strong little man", I raise my hand in a "good luck" gesture...he was a good kid!

I emerge myself in thought...what would David Attenborough make of this...

"The bear, a much loved creature that throughout life we cling to in times of need, indeed a creature that on occasion is the only thing that can bring comfort to the distressed. And yet, it is this very same creature that strikes fear into the heart of those forced to confront it against their will...it is a master in its own realm able to inflict great pain and great care".

They call my name....

This is another of the awesome bears at the NGV & until the drugs wear off, I'm staying here. Dentists have improved a lot since I was a kid, and in case your worried, my friend left smiling too :)

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