
It’s a bit grim as the stupid old wether (baaa) has some dire predictions about the father of all storms coming. OK OK I kno it is normally The Mother but this is an equal opportunity journal and it’s his turn.
AND no this is not a sno job as outside temps are not cold (14 c) but gale force winds and lots of rain are predicted so right after this shot The Boss took me round a block for an hour and just made it bark to Suzz as the raindrops started but subsequently stopped again by the time we got home.
Time will tell. Outside it is getting noisy.
The Bossess went to Christchurch today but ended up in Auckland instead. That was another sheep thing and as another grrreat lady once said
“WE are NOT impressed”
'We' being in this case, The Bossess and her briefcase.
After yesterday’s Blip, The Boss was wondering if there are old versions of Star Trek wandering around the Web somewhere waiting for Old Nostalgic Dogs. After a quick look on the pad he has just searched Netflix and it is warp factor 9 the whole way. The Boss can’t recall there being dogs in that show but he does remember with Grrreat fondness K9 from The Doctor….”Master!” who had amazingly noisy joints but wonderful weapons. I have grrreat joints but only a short range water cannon. Sigh!
There may be a lot of it (water) after tonight and it will not be me…OK?

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