Tuesday Toddlers...Day Five

The baby robins next door are now 5 days old. They still look like little slimeballs, but I can see more feathers coming in daily. Their eyes are not yet open, but today they were much more alert.

I'm concerned about the little guy on the extreme left. He isn't moving like the others...he isn't what you would call a bobbin robin.

I hope he catches up. All too often...the other babies pick on the runt, and sometimes he won't fight back...or even fight to be fed. Survival of the fittest...even in the world of baby robins.

I've had a long week. In less than 7 days...I've had my yearly physical (I try to pick out a doctor with small fingers), a trip to the dentist (can he open my mouth any wider?), and today...my annual eye check-up (unlike my schooling days...today I have a super pupil...two of them in fact.)

I've been pinched, pounded, prodded, punched, poked, pushed, pulled, puckered, pixeled, and pummeled. And...if that isn't bad enough...next week...a colonoscopy. So...you can add prepped to the P list! WOO-HOO!

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