Crazy Overstuffed Life

By Allison

Elusive Rainbow

I think it was in about ninth grade English that the concept of pathetic fallacy was explored - the apparent reflection of human emotion in the natural world.

Today was a day where the weather seemed to reflect my moods. Cloudy, then flashes of brilliance, then dark clouds and finally this elusive rainbow. Elusive because I spotted it when driving home from the train, but when I pulled over to try to photograph it I couldn't seem to get a good angle. I amped up what I could capture from the grocery store parking in iPhoto a little, but it was more lovely behind the wheel when, of course, I could not pull out the camera.

I was hugged with gratitude by a client and snarled at by another. I had lovely lunch with a friend but was crushed by the flat and cryptic rejection of a proposal which I believed had gone well. Victory and defeat, yin and yang, pleasure and deep worry. All of it amped up like the settings I played with in order to make a flat image appear as I saw it with my eyes.

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