a town called E.

By Eej


(Mostly because if she found out I used her like that she would bring ALL the play-mouseys to our closed bedroom door at 2 am.)

Before the Squire even entered my life, before the start of the squirrel love, I once hysterically cried the Beloved into walking to the intersection 200 yards away to pick up a dead squirrel. It was in the middle of the road and the thought of it being run over again and again broke my heart.

Yesterday, as I was waiting to cross the road at a very busy spot in town, I noticed a small greyish blob on the sidewalk in front of me. I don't know why it caught my eye - it just did.
It was a tiny dead baby bird.
I sighed.
Then I noticed a small greyish blob next to the bike. It was another one. And as I looked around I saw 2 more - off the sidewalk, in what I assume is supposed to be a flowerbed, though it mostly hosts weeds. Four tiny dead baby birds.
In the rain.
I swallowed back the lump in my throat and tried to figure out if there was a way I could move them away from the sidewalk. I had nothing. All day I hoped someone else saw them and moved them away. I tried very hard not to think about how maybe they would NOT be spotted and get stepped on. Gawd, I tried HARD.

This morning it was raining much, much harder. They were still there.
I got off the bike, found tissues at the bottom of my backpack and put them all together, out of the way.

Poor hapless babies - I can't quite understand what happened; there are no trees there, just traffic lights. There was no evidence of a nest nearby - but we've had storms. I just don't know.

I've been sad about it all day.

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