Swinging Good Time

I had the honor of sleeping in on Monday. It felt great. I've been staying up way to late reading lately. I'm getting on my summer hours. It happens so fast. I stay up too late, and then sleep in. Makes it hard later.....but I'm enjoying it now.

I spent the morning hanging out with The Hubby, then went into town to fetch Sugar Bear from her cousin's house. She was super happy to see me, and had so many happy stories of her time away. She was most proud of earning money from my parents helping them around her farm. She pulled weeds, picked berries, and helped bring in load after load of hay. Hard work for a 9 year old girl.

We ran a quick errand, and headed home for lunch. While I pulled some lunch together, Sugar checked the bunnies, and announced that Gizmo had had her babies. This was quite exciting. We were expecting this, but not for a day or so. I stuck my hand into the nest to make sure things were okay, and felt several squirming babies. I'll count them in a day or so. Very exciting, and good news. Looks like this litter is successful so far.

We headed on into a nearby town to the pool in hopes to meet some friends. It looked like it might not happen...but soon....a friend showed up. The girls had a great time swimming, and us mom's enjoyed some chatting. There was a scary moment at the pool when one of the huge pipes that shoot water out over the pool suddenly fell. Amazingly, no one got hurt. WOW! So scary. Our girls were no where near it when it happened, but it scared us.

After swimming the girls enjoyed some fun times at the park. The mama's joined in....and are feeling old now. Sore muscles.

We had a nice quiet evening at home together, with reading in bed. So nice to be back together.

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