
By elfin


A trip to the midwife revealed OBD is now a healthy 10lb2 - must be doing something right on the breastfeeding front. And apparently this growth spurt also explains her unsettledness for the last few nights. Fingers crossed it's just a phase. We're now both signed off from the midwife - I get support from the docs and OBD from the health visitor and docs.

Then went to meet an NCT friend for cake and coffee at a local pub. Met a few other newish mums too so will def go there when the fella is back to work.

The fellas family came over for the afternoon to help - his dad and the fella did our dining room fireplace and his mum n sis took OBD out for a walk whilst I had a snooze. Was very very appreciated. It was the first time his sis had seen OBD since the day she was born and in the incubator - a totally different experience!

Decided on a Chinese for tea which we had to do in shifts thanks to OBD deciding she needed her tea too. She then seemed to settle ok before being unsettled again as we tried to go to bed. After I'd fed her the fella very very kindly took over the soothing so I could sleep. He really is fantastic and meant the 2 overnight feeds (well one and an early morning!) were ok. We make a good team.

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