Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

It had to be Blue...

Seems like every time I went out today, I'd find a blue jay peering at me, almost as if demanding that I run back in and get peanuts. (Huh...go figure.) I took this shot from about 8 feet and cropped it a little just to give it a more extreme look. An interesting thing to note in this shot is that the jays' crest is completely flat, which is an indication that it is not feeling threatened or alarmed. Should I be concerned that the blue jays are so used to me that they don't perceive me as a threat???

My second choice for a blip today was this cautious juvenile cardinal, trying to hide.. And if you'd like to see all seven alternative shots for today, you can view them all starting HERE

I did some more packing today - haven't done any for awhile, but needed to start on some of the kitchen things that I don't use often. Got two big boxes done. Next, I'm going to tackle the linen closet upstairs. I've got a moving company coming in next week for a preliminary quote. Figure I'd best get started on that too, even though I probably won't be moving for a few months.

Eight more sleeps until hubs gets here - I am SO looking forward to our visit. Living apart hasn't gotten any easier for either of us. I think that, whether we've sold the house or not, I'll probably move down in late September/early October. Just have to arrange for some basic maintenance/upkeep on the house until it sells.

Thanks for all of your lovely comments on my checkerspot yesterday! I was so excited to finally see one of these elusive butterflies, and so glad that you all enjoyed it, too.

Happy Hump Day, people.

Debbi (and the blue jays)

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