.... caught up for a bite to eat with fellow Blipper Su77on today at Windsor which is about 30 minutes drive North of Penrith. It with Richmond (just west of Windsor) is one of the earliest Colonial settlements in 1789.
Rich in fertile soil, as they lay in that mighty Nepean River basin which at this point becomes the Hawkesbury River system.

This will surely be another visit or three, as the area is certainly "Blip friendly".

But, today I have chosen this shot of a memorial to one of the first in Australia to be recognised for his work in astronomy. John Tebbutt has an interesting History which is well worth the read!. Apart from finding two comets in 1861 and 1881, he has a crater on the moon named after him, and his pic was put on the first $100 note when it was printed in 1984.

Sad part like a lot of history, if you survey in Sydney who is "John Tebbutt" I would suggest VERY few would known the name or history.

Richmond is also the home to our RAAF Air Base the home for quite a few squadrons. The main one is for the Hercules C-130 planes. These are now very active around the world in search and rescue missions.

And, to give you some for info, apart from local produce growing the area is renowned for acres and acres of turf farms. As you can see all fully automated and seems to supply some tucker for the egrets and ibis birds.

Enjoy, and have look in LARGE.

... and Su77on said to say hello, he has been busy in a new job.

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