My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Happy Day.........

............for Anni and Me !!!!

More shopping this morning - then we decided to explore the West and North West of the Island - good decision - wonderful landscapes/seascapes. (Except one cannot get from the top West side across to the top East side unless you have a 4-wheel drive vehicle!).

All day Anni kept checking her phone to see if there was news of my lost suitcase - nothing! - BUT when we got back, there were e-mails to say we should expect delivery anytime up to 4 something in the morning - 15 min later we got a call from reception to say it had arrived!!

It seemed that all along it's journey from Washington, it had, according to the info given to us, reached some stages in it's travel before it had even started on them!! All very clever of United Airlines and the delivery company!!!

The West Coast of the island is beautiful - as you can see -
this is just one of the places at which we stopped. As you probably know, I've had a few health problems of late which have affected my mobility but I told Anni I wanted to have a paddle in the Pacific (silly woman - I don't like the sea except to look at!) - anyway I got my paddle and with so much laughter we could hardly see for the tears in our eyes!

We hadn't reckoned on the sand being quite so deep and soft nor the slope down to the waters edge being quite so steep - we both ended up on our posteriors - then came the problem of me getting up and staggering back across boiling hot sand to the car! Am pleased to report there were very few folk about!!!

As my title says :- A Happy Day, - and my suitcase is back in the land of Friends United!!!!

Hope you have had a happy day too!

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