Storm in a C-cup

There was a spot of trouble today.....Mr A sent me a photo of how the drive was progressing and it wasn't what I wanted to see!

As I mentioned in my earlier blip, this guy doesn't write anything down, so as a consequence, things took a wrong turn today when it came to laying the block work.

Mr A had already been out to speak to them about where they were setting out the drive, it was too far over to the front door side of the house, which would mean a parked car would block the access path up to the door.

They changed it back to where we had originally agreed, but then started laying the brickwork in a straight line, rather than the curve we had asked for.

As I mentioned in my earlier blip, this guy doesn't write anything down, so as a consequence, things took a wrong turn today when it came to laying the block work.

Mr A had already been out to speak to them about where they were setting out the drive, it was too far over to the front door side of the house, which would mean a parked car would block the access path up to the door.

They changed it back to where we had originally agreed, but then started laying the brickwork in a straight line, rather than the curve we had asked for. It looked awful.

This was when Mr A sent me the photo and Hurricane DQ was unleashed!

I stormed home at lunch and had stern words; fair enough, I respect his judgement, but we are paying good money for this so I think we should have some say on the matter; it's not for him to make changes without consulting us first!

He said because Mr A had changed where the drive was going (!) there wasn't enough room to do a curved edge. We reached a compromise and I have to say I was pleased with the outcome when I arrived home this evening.

I'm so glad Mr A has been here to supervise; imagine if I'd arrived home tonight to see everything in the wrong place and straight edges everywhere....aye caramba!

Today's blip was taken after my lunchtime meltdown; the little plane in shot was circling for ages; we suspect it may have been a Google maps plane.

Tomorrow is a split shift for foreman duties; Mr A has the morning covered & I have the afternoon. To be fair to the drive guy, he does know his stuff but he needs to remember that the customer is king....or in this case, DramaQueen! ;-)

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