Click... click... BOOM!

By NoriMG


Very proud of my best girl today, making her Promise as a leader in front of our mad mob of Rainbows (who do, infact, have much prettier faces than my poor photoshopping in real life... wish you could see the cute that is the girl who's majorly blurred here - fab expression!). We had adventures in the park and learnt about Brownies and the Brownie story. Then we gathered by the pond and all remade our Promises together before casting them out on leaves into the water. They were very very good, and very thoughtful, and then we tore about like mad things for the rest of the evening. Just as it should be.

I promise
that I will do my best
to be true to myself and develop my beliefs
to serve the Queen and my community
to help other people
and to keep the Guide Law

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