
By rachelhpreston

Fried chicken picnic at the police station

A lot happened today. A lot. We started off with a lovely breakfast of cereal and cold milk, followed by a couple of hours at the swimming pool and I got to call home for a nice chat with the family and the grandparents - especially as it's father's day. We then headed out in a taxi to find the Santa Marta crepes for a lovely lunch and then explored the shopping centre around there, before getting a bus back to the marina, where we stayed to watch sunset and enjoy some beef and potato kebabs. Unfortunately whilst walking back to the holiday village, Mary had her bag snatched by a man passing on a motorbike. Thankfully she was not hurt and he didn't use any weapons or threaten her, so it could have been much worse, but it was still very unpleasant.
We had to go to the police station to file a crime report so she would have a crime number for the insurance claim. We turned up and were shown through to a waiting room. For the world cup, certain bags of crisps sometimes have wristbands in for all the countries in the world cup, and we wanted to improve our pitiful collection of 1, so we bought a multipack of 12. Whilst sat in the waiting room at the police station, we opened all 12 to cheer Mary up, but much to our disappointment, there were only 2 wristbands, but it did add some humour to the event! Adelmo, the pastor, then arrived to see how we were and had brought his laptop so we could skype call Mary's bank to cancel her card.
Mary and I went through to the statement room to get a crime report written. It turns out the lady who was writing our report did not know at all how to use the system. We had to use google street view to find our exact location at the time. The air-con in there was so cold I had goosebumps everywhere and was almost shivering. When the lady finally worked out what she was doing, and Mary and I had pointed to all the buttons she needed to click on and the report had been typed up, the system crashed and everything was lost. So we had to start over again. 4 hours later when it had all be done and printed, we went outside to meet the others and were greeted with a picnic of fried chicken! We just started to eat when the police kicked us off their steps, so we went and enjoyed our food over the road. All in all, a rather bizarre evening!
That night back at the chalet we managed to cancel Mary's card, so that worry was taken care of. Everything else she will be able to reclaim on the insurance, other than the photos that were on her camera, but most of those we have other copies of. I'm sure we will look back on this day and laugh at all the random things that occurred at the police station, like Mary and I writing up half of the report ourselves. We are just thankful that it's wasn't any worse and that she wasn't hurt.

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