
By Valerie1940

Time is money!

In 2000 when I was visiting Australia as a retirement holiday, I bought a coin watch which had an Australian halfpenny of the year of my birth, 1940, as its dial. In 2007 to commemorate my graduation from the OU with a BA(Hons) I bought coin watches for myself, my sister and brother-in-law. Theirs had sixpences of their birth dates, 1947 and 1952, but mine had a generic commemorative coin dated 2007. It was my sharp-eyed sister who noticed the mistake on the watches - have you spotted it? Look at the watch on the left - it only has four numbers - 1, 5, 7, and 11. But 7 in Roman numerals is VII - not VI . I wrote to Coin Watch and pointed out the error - they didn't know and were grateful. They sent me the pendant watch with the 1940 sixpence as a thank you and offered to have the watches back to correct them. We decided however to keep them as an even more unusual memento of the occasion.

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