
By acr83

35 Weeks and 31 Years

Today is my birthday.

It started out at the home show with mum. A bit of a let down on previous years, but we got in for free so who cares.
Then we went to a nursery clearance sale we spotted a sign for. Got a whole lot of stuff for only about $50 which included a front pack - success!
Then lunch with a couple of friends, one of whom has four boys and therefore lots of helpful advice for me.
After lunch mum and I hit Baby Factory to complete my baby checklist. Spent a lot more this time but I still got lots of great bargains. And they had a nothing over $15 clothing sale which we managed to steer ourselves around to avoid temptation.
Later on we met up with my husband and dad to go out to Mexicano's for dinner. This would have to be one of the most interesting restaurants in town and the food is just fabulous. It's the third time I've been there this year and it's never disappointing.

With my birthday over the next one to come is the most important one. Fingers crossed it's less than 5 weeks away so I can go to a wedding 5 weeks from tomorrow.

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