
My foot was better, it wasn't raining, some of the people I ran with on Monday were going - so I had no excuse not to do my first hill race (the route we did on Monday).
We started just round the corner, went up the road and to the top of the hill with trees via the right hand side - the legs weren't too keen. Then down to the left (great fun) round the back of some lower hills and back to ascend the main hill again, this time by the left hand side - a walk for many. Finally a wonderful downhill by the way we came up, but I couldn't hold off the competition on the road section and 2 got past me in the last few yards (if only my shoelace hadn't come undone!). Over 1200ft of ascent.
Despite that I got a prize - the first (and last!) over 60 woman. Had to get a photo, it may never happen again, I'm usually second.
There were also excellent refreshments provided by the host club, Dundee Hawkhill Harriers - thanks.

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