Ant's thought of the day.

By SaintAnt76

Friends and Lego

The family went to Legoland and we took one of Fleur's friends Abby. Peg's was expecting rain and I think she wasn't looking forward to it, but the sun shined most of the day, we only got wet on the rides and we all had a great time. Both the girls got on well and it was great to have our little guide Abby to show us the way around the park.

My thought for today is that sometimes all you need is real friends to show you the right way to things. These are usually the ones that have know you and your family for years and are always there to lend an objective hand and words of advice when needed.

Little Abby was a good guide and Fleur is lucky to have her around.

This can be said for a few of the people around me and my family, we are very lucky to have you.

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