Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Doug's Cabbage

Well one of them!!!

A few days ago I blipped a photo of CCN's 91 year dad Doug with the Dahlia's that Jolang had kindly sent up from the Blue Mountains. Well today you're in for a treat, here in large living colour is one of his magnificent cabbages. This one is just jumping out of its skin and it looked particularly inviting after a lovely shower of rain this afternoon.

I was torn between two images once again so have published the other on my Blipfolio. The other is of one of Doug's veggie gardens and from front to back we have....

Beans and
Spring Onions!!!

I can't wait to get home to Wombat Hollow now to see how our humble little veggie patch is coming along. Won't be long now.

It's ironic really, here we are in the heart of the food bowl of the nation and Doug is still growing his own. Nothing like it really. It's wonderful being able to step out the back door and cut some lovely green onion top for the scrambled eggs in the morning. I have spring onions growing at home that Doug brought down to the mountains in 2004. I just keep dividing them from time to time. 10 years from a handful of spring onions. I really cherish them.

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