First Sun

I lost track of time whilst walking on the Wither Hills early this morning. It was a clear still day with the promise of warm sunshine…..not like winter at all. I walked up the Quail stream Valley track for a good half hour before beginning the climb to the Watertanks on the ridge. The sun rose and touched the top of the distant ridge with gold. There were walkers up there already. It was far too nice a morning to by lying around in bed.
The blue mountains in the distance are part of the Richmond Range. There are tramping (hiking) tracks throughout the range and some challenging peaks to be climbed….all on our back doorstep!
We are having an impromptu Camera Club field trip early tomorrow morning. We will follow the same route I trekked this morning. The aim is to help each other hone our landscape photography skills. I wait with bated breath to see how many brave souls turn up at our meeting place in the dark at 6.30am. We shall see……

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