Louise - Changing Natures

By louisemac


I have no idea what this sign intimated was happening inside the Edinburgh Dungeons, but I decided not to ask too many questions - spooky circuses would no doubt give me nightmares!

Headed to the birthday party for my 4 y/o great-nephew Max this afternoon. To say he's a one-off is an understatement - he's some cookie! Lots of "Hulk Smash" & other assorted superhero activity going on - him & his pals were having an awesome time!

And tonight my O/H heads out for his first "gig" in public as part of a band! All very exciting - he's a wee bit nervous and has been practising on the guitar all day - I'm so proud of him for doing it as it's kinda out of his comfort zone. He'll be ace of course - he's way better than he thinks he is - it always sounds brilliant when he plays to me!

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